Top Company 2023
We are delighted that the uvex group has been voted kununu Top Company 2023 by its employees. This puts us in the top five percent of the most popular companies on kununu.
Most Wanted Employer 2023
The ZEIT publishing group and kununu have determined Germany's most popular employers for the second time. It is the only employer seal that is based on the assessments of real employees. We are very pleased about this award!

Employer of the future 2022
The uvex group receives the award "Employer of the future 2022 - digital, innovative, modern" from the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation. We would like to thank you for this award!
Germany's best training companies 2023
According to Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the demand for skilled labour and thus the recruitment of young people for training is a major challenge for the German economy. In this context, the corona pandemic has led to a considerable reduction in the demand for training places, which is difficult to make up for and is increasingly holding back the development of skilled labour. "For this reason, there is an urgent need for effective impulses with a steering effect that increase young people's interest in vocational training," says Esser. As a result, the proportion of unfilled apprenticeship positions will reach a new high of 13% by 30 September 2022. Companies that master the challenges posed by the shortage of skilled workers and offer their apprentices a secure framework can express this through a seal award and distinguish themselves from their competitors as well as make a particularly interesting impression on applicants. This is the background to the study "Germany's Best Training Companies 2023". We would like to thank Focus and Focus Money for the award "Germany's Best Training Companies 2023".

Dagmar Hugenroth and Leo Winter represented the uvex group at the Superbrands Germany 2021/22 award ceremony in Wiesbaden to receive the German Superbrands Award for our company.
From over 1300 brands, a renowned jury of 22 selected the 30 strongest and best brands in Germany, and we are one of them!
Superbrands is the world's largest brand evaluation organisation, which has been awarding the strongest and best brands in over 90 countries according to a standardised procedure for more than 27 years. The organisation enjoys a high reputation worldwide, which is why we are all the more pleased to be able to officially call ourselves SUPERBRAND.
A big thank you also goes to all the employees who make the uvex group a Superbrand!
Innovation Champions in Sustainability
Uvex is awarded the certificate "Innovation Champions in Sustainability".
Innovative approaches have many positive implications for sustainable development and business. On the one hand, they are a response to the desire of many consumers for more sustainability. On the other hand, companies with innovations in sustainability increase their economic performance through environmentally and socially conscious product design and action. For the long-term success of companies, it is elementary to align their actions with innovative sustainability solutions and to make them part of their brand. Against this background, the study "Innovation Champions in Sustainability" analyses and evaluates social listening data for about 10,000 companies. The social listening examines the event types innovation, research and development, ecological sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability. In this way, the topic of innovations in sustainability is evaluated broadly and comprehensively. We are very pleased to receive this award!

Bavaria's Best 50
The Bavarian State Ministry for Economy, Land Development and Energy honours the 50 fastest-growing medium-sized companies with the BAYERNS BEST 50 award. We are very pleased to be among the top 50 companies this year!
Entrepreneurs who identify and consistently exploit new opportunities for growth and employment are the backbone of our economy. They live entrepreneurship, take responsibility and create the jobs that form the basis for the high standard of living in Bavaria. The prize is awarded to particularly fast-growing SMEs that have been able to increase the number of their employees and their turnover above average in recent years.
We would like to thank you for the award and look positively to the future.

Courage Maker Award
Bernd Preuschoff (Head of Group Digital Services / Group Chief Digital Officer (CDO)) accepts the Courage Maker Award on behalf of the uvex group.
The Courage Maker Award recognises companies that show courage in tackling digitalisation.
Germany's most innovative companies 2022
The uvex group has been awarded the Deutschlandtest seal of approval for "Germany's most innovative companies 2022". Online sources were analysed for a good 12,400 companies and statements on five innovation-relevant topics were evaluated: innovation activity, investments, research & development, product innovations and technology. We would like to thank Focus and Focus-Money for this award!
Germany's Innovation Leader
The uvex group is awarded the certificate "Germany's Innovation Leader".
For the study "Germany's Innovation Leader", Prognos analysed the patent applications of companies operating in Germany on behalf of the F.A.Z. Institute. Not only was the number of patents assessed, but also their relevance. The uvex group is one of the top innovative companies in Germany!

Shop Usability Award
uvex-group.shop is the winner of the Shop Usability Award 2022!
Only 18 months after the launch of the online shop, a highly qualified jury of e-commerce experts has decided that the uvex group is the winner of the Shop Usability Award 2022 in the category Sport & Outdoor.
This prestigious award has been presented to online retailers, e-commerce service providers and agencies in German-speaking countries for 15 years.
The uvex group was able to prevail against many other strong e-commerce companies and can now, after a very short time, join the ranks of the renowned state-of-the-art online shops.
Germany's best training companies 2022
The effects of the Corona pandemic on the training market are also evident in 2021, although no longer as serious as in 2020. The starting position as before the Corona pandemic has by no means been reached again. While there were about 525,000 contracts in 2019, there were only about 473,000 in 2021 despite a slight recovery of +1.2% or 5,600 additional contracts concluded compared to the previous year. On the other hand, 63,200 training places remained unfilled in 2021. This is a new record level - and the trend is upwards. In contrast, there were 59,900 in 2020 and 53,100 unfilled training places in 2019. It is therefore "five to twelve on the training market". Moreover, young people's interest in training places continues to fall, according to Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. "And where there is a lack of trainees today, there will be a lack of skilled workers tomorrow. That is why securing the demand for skilled workers will be one of the greatest challenges of this decade. Only with an attractive and strong dual VET system will it be possible to meet this challenge." This is the background to the study "Germany's Best Training Companies 2022". We would like to thank Focus and Focus Money for the award "Germany's Best Training Companies 2022".

Top National Employer
The uvex group is ranked among Germany's top employers by the editors of FOCUS-BUSINESS on the basis of an independent nationwide online survey & analysis of online ratings.
Germany's Best Sustainability 2022
In the 21st century, the world is changing rapidly and faces major changes. Environmental protection, social responsibility and a resource-conserving use of raw materials are no longer inconceivable without them. Therefore, companies are being asked to act sustainably as never before, because consumers' expectations of companies to make decisions more in line with sustainability aspects are constantly growing. The determination to buy according to ethical standards is clearly evident: 70 percent of Germans consider sustainability criteria to be a "fixed component of purchasing decisions".
Against this background, the study "Germany's Best Sustainability 2022" analyses the data of a social listening for about 19,000 companies and brands. Aspects of ecological, economic and social sustainability are examined.
We are grateful to receive this award.
Company of the year
The "Company of the Year" study, conducted by the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF) on behalf of DEUTSCHLAND TEST, honours companies that have performed particularly well in the previous evaluations "Award Winner", "Highest Trust", "Customer Favourites" and "Germany's Best - Sustainability". Votes on around 21,000 companies from over 200 sectors were collected and evaluated. We are very pleased to be named "Company of the Year" by Focus and Focus Money.
Germany's best
The study "Germany's Best" was again conducted this year using the social listening method, the collection (crawling) and evaluation (processing) of the data. More than 400 million online sources were searched, the results are based on around 58 million mentions of companies. The study was conducted by the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF) on behalf of DEUTSCHLAND TEST and FOCUS-MONEY. In essence, the study is about the relevance and image of companies and their brands. Strong brands attract and retain customers. They are both an attraction and a seduction - and thus often justify a price premium. And they make the introduction of new products easier.
We are pleased to be among "Germany's best"!
Best Employer in Franconia 2022
The best employers in Franconia were chosen - and we are one of them.
UVEX WINTER HOLDING GmbH & Co. KG achieves a TOP3 rating for work-life balance according to the assessment of the population relevant to the labour market and therefore receives the "MARKET Quality Award - Work-Life-Balance - TOP3 FRANKEN 2022". We are very pleased about this award!
Excellent Sustainability
People are feeling the climate and energy crisis more and more acutely. From heat records, forest fires to gas shortages, everything affects people directly in their everyday lives. In the midst of these crises, the term sustainability is on everyone's lips and a big topic in the media. It is therefore important for companies to act sustainably in order to maintain a good reputation. Against this background, the study "Excellent Sustainability 2022" analyses and evaluates the data of a social listening for about 19,000 companies. The social listening examines the event types of ecological sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability. In this way, the topic is evaluated broadly and comprehensively.
We are delighted about the "Excellent Sustainability" award!
Top Career Opportunities
Which companies offer the best career opportunities? For this study, social listening for the approximately 22,500 companies in Germany was used to investigate how the companies are talked about on the net with regard to career opportunities. In addition, companies in Germany were contacted by e-mail and asked to return a questionnaire on the relevant aspects. The study shows which companies offer their employees particularly good career options. We are grateful to receive the "Top Career Opportunities" award for the third year in a row.

Super Brand Award
Whether for sports, leisure or everyday work: uvex offers perfect protection from head to toe with ski goggles and helmets, sports and sunglasses or cycling and riding helmets. From our headquarters in Fürth, Germany, we, as a medium-sized company, coordinate our activities throughout the world.
The uvex group has around 2,900 employees and 49 subsidiaries in 22 countries. The uvex group was founded in 1926 by Philipp M. Winter, who manufactured safety eyewear in his "Optischen-Industrie-Anstalt".
Today, uvex is undoubtedly one of the strongest brands in Germany and has therefore been awarded SUPERBRAND GERMANY for the first time! We are super proud and would like to thank you for the award!

Employer branding goes social media - German Brand Award for the uvex group
This year, the uvex group will receive the German Brand Award 2021 for our submission: "Employer Brand goes Social Media" in the category Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation - Employer Branding Activities & Campaigns. After establishing the uvex group employer brand internally and externally in recent years, the successful leap to social media took place in 2019/20. In addition to existing channels such as Xing and LinkedIn, the Instagram and Facebook channels were also set up and used for various campaigns. The special feature: The concept and creative input are created entirely in-house with the involvement of the company's own employees - for an authentic joint presence. According to the jury's verdict, the campaign represents a contemporary step that was carefully prepared in terms of brand strategy and makes a 100% authentic impression. The likeable, target group-oriented recruiting campaigns were very well received not only by the digital public, but also by the company's own workforce. We are very happy about the award and proud to receive the German Brand Award 2021. We would like to thank you for the great support!
High innovative strength
uvex has been awarded the title of Highly Innovative Company by WELT and ServiceValue in the outdoor clothing sector.
"Germany's best training companies - High attractiveness"
Qualified vocational training can be the springboard to a fulfilled professional life and the basis for a successful career. The prerequisites for this are an appropriate vocational aptitude and stamina on the part of the trainees as well as a sense of responsibility and competence on the part of the training companies. In its survey "Germany's Best Training Companies 2021", the Cologne-based analysis institute ServiceValue in cooperation with WELT has now surveyed for the first time and nationwide which companies are perceived by the population as particularly attractive in their role as trainers. Citizens rated a total of 3,998 companies from the service, trade and industry sectors in terms of their attractiveness as training companies. We are grateful to have received the award for "high attractiveness as a training company".
World Market Leader - Future Champion 2021
WirtschaftsWoche honors the uvex group with the title World Market Leader - Future Champion 2021.

Germany's best training companies
Qualified training can be the stepping stone to a fulfilling professional life and the basis for a successful career. The prerequisites for this are an appropriate vocational aptitude and stamina on the part of the trainees as well as a sense of responsibility and competence on the part of the training companies. In its survey "Germany's Best Training Companies 2021", the Cologne-based analysis institute ServiceValue, in cooperation with WELT, has now surveyed for the first time and nationwide which companies are perceived by the population as particularly attractive in their role as trainers. Around 4,000 companies were listed and ranked in a cross-sectoral ranking. We are pleased to be among the best training companies in Germany.
Germany's Best Employers
In cooperation with WELT, the Cologne-based analysis institute ServiceValue GmbH conducts large nationwide surveys to find out how attractive German companies are rated by the population. "Germany's Best Employers" presents the results in rankings. The companies surveyed are assigned to their respective economic sector (services, trade, industry). The current publication presents employers in terms of their image. The survey "Germany's Best Employers" thus consists of a large number of surveys which are carried out in sequence. In the first step, citizens are asked which of the listed companies they know as employers or which companies they can rate as employers.
We are pleased to receive this award!
Valuable employers for the common good
The people who live there know best what makes employers valuable in their region. With this in mind, the market research institute ServiceValue was commissioned by WirtschaftsWoche to survey citizens across Germany on how they rate the value of a total of 2,130 companies for the common good. We are delighted that the uvex group has been nominated for the "High contribution to the common good" award as part of this survey.
Top Career Opportunities for Women 2020
The uvex group employer brand is on course for success. This is evidenced by numerous awards in 2020, including the "Top Career Opportunities for Women" award from FOCUS magazine. For women in particular, family-friendliness of the employer, equal rights and career opportunities are important decision-making factors. "We are very pleased that we are repeatedly able to score points as an attractive employer," explains Michael Winter. "We are convinced that firmly anchored equal opportunities and diversity lead to greater satisfaction among employees and thus ultimately to greater success in the organization".
Leading Employer 2020
We have been honored by the Institute of Research & Data Aggregation GmbH with two top rankings as Leading Employer 2020.
Out of 450 surveyed companies - across Germany - the uvex group achieved position 3 in the sector "Plastics and Rubber Goods".
Among the 50 surveyed companies - across all industries - the uvex group is even ranked No. 1 in the metropolitan area "Fürth".
Top Employer 2020 (Focus)
The uvex group was once again named "Top Employer" in 2020 in the category "Industry". We are very pleased about the best ranking so far and the 141st place in the overall ranking. Within the category "Industry", the uvex group was ranked on place six.
Excellent Sustainability
The topic of sustainability is more relevant than ever and companies in particular have a special responsibility when it comes to this challenge. The F.A.Z.-Institut has examined the sustainability reputation of 21,000 companies in 438 million German-language online sources. The uvex group can be pleased about the certificate of "Excellent Sustainability" awarded 2020 by the F.A.Z.-Institut.
Employer with High Attractiveness 2020
Once again this year, the uvex group has made it to the top employers in Germany. In cooperation with Die WELT, the Cologne-based analysis institute ServiceValue GmbH has selected those companies in a nationwide survey that are noticeably authentic and enjoy a high level of credibility among the population.
The uvex group can be pleased about the WELT award for high employer attractiveness in 2020.
Future Champion (Wirtschaftswoche)
The uvex group is one of the future global market leaders in Germany. Awarded by Wirtschaftswoche, we are proud to receive the "Future Champion 2020" award.
Among the best training companies in Germany
Which companies are among the best trainers in Germany and offer trainees the best future opportunities? The exclusive Capital study dealt with these two questions, among others. In 2020, the uvex group is among the "best trainers in Germany" in the categories "training" and "dual studies".
Valuable employer - contribution to the common good
WirtschaftsWoche honors the uvex group with the "Valuable Employer - Contribution to the Common Good" award in 2020.